Wednesday, 26 December 2012

Implementing StoryBoard in iOS- part II

In this part we will continue to build our Todo Application using storyboard.
In our previous part we created a simple Tab Bar based application with two tabs, each having a tableView in it to hold our task list and our done task.

Introduction to Segues

Segue defines navigation in your Storyboard. It indicates how to get from one point to another. You usually create a segue by picking an event source(can be a button or a tableView cell) and choosing a scene to transition to.
We can also choose the type of animation we want to use. All apple built-in animations are available for us to use by making some simple clicks. Additionally we can even create our own custom animations for custom segues.

Implementing StoryBoard in iOS- part I

With the release of iOS 5, Apple updated the iOS SDK with more than 1500 APIs, and Storyboard is one of the most fascinating.


Storyboarding allows one to lay out the workflow of your app using the new Storyboards feature built into the design tools of Xcode.
Apps that use Navigation and tab Bars to transition between Views, Storyboard ease the development by managing the View Controllers for you.

You can specify the transitions and segues that are used when switching between the Views without having to code them by hand.
Storyboard enables you to interact with all the screens in your application without the cumbersome code you have to write for the transitions between the screens and the control used to trigger the transitions.

Storyboards have a number of advantages over regular nibs:
  • With a storyboard you have a better conceptual overview of all the screens in your app and the connections between them. It’s easier to keep track of everything because the entire design is in a single file, rather than spread out over many separate nibs.
  • The storyboard describes the transitions between the various screens. These transitions are called “segues” and you create them by simply ctrl-dragging from one view controller to the next. With the help of segues you have to less take care of UI development.
  •  Storyboards make working with table views a lot easier with the new prototype cells and static cells features. You can design your table views almost completely in the storyboard editor, something else that cuts down on the amount of code you have to write.
